Source code for ergo.platforms.predictit

This module lets you get question and prediction information from PredictIt
via the API (
from typing import Dict, Generator, List

from dateutil.parser import parse
import pandas as pd
import requests

from ergo.distributions.base import flip

[docs]class PredictItQuestion: """ A single binary question in a PredictIt market. :param market: PredictIt market instance :param data: Contract JSON retrieved from PredictIt API :ivar PredictItMarket market: PredictIt market instance :ivar int id: id of the contract :ivar datetime.datetime dateEnd: end-date of a market, usually None :ivar str image: url of the image resource for the contract :ivar str name: name of the contract :ivar str shortName: shortened name of the contract :ivar str status: status of the contract. Closed markets aren't included in the API, so always "Open" :ivar float lastTradePrice: last price the contract was traded at :ivar float bestBuyYesCost: cost to buy a single Yes share :ivar float bestBuyNoCost: cost to buy a single No share :ivar float bestSellYesCost: cost to sell a single Yes share :ivar float bestSellNoCost: cost to sell a single No share :ivar float lastClosePrice: price the contract closed at the previous day :ivar int displayOrder: position of the contract in PredictIt. Defaults to 0 if sorted by lastTradePrice """ def __init__(self, market: "PredictItMarket", data: Dict): = market self._data = data def __repr__(self): return f'<PredictItQuestion title="{}">' def __getattr__(self, name: str): """ If an attribute isn't directly on the class, check whether it's in the raw contract data. If it's a time, format it appropriately. :param name: :return: attribute value """ if name not in self._data: raise AttributeError( f"Attribute {name} is neither directly on this class nor in the raw question data" ) if name != "dateEnd": return self._data[name] dateEnd = self._data["dateEnd"] if dateEnd == "N/A": return None try: return parse(dateEnd) except ValueError: print(f"The column {name} could not be converted into a datetime") return dateEnd
[docs] @staticmethod def to_dataframe( questions: List["PredictItQuestion"], columns=None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Summarize a list of questions in a dataframe :param questions: questions to summarize :param columns: list of column names as strings :return: pandas dataframe summarizing the questions """ if columns is None: columns = ["id", "name", "dateEnd"] data = [[question._data[key] for key in columns] for question in questions] return pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns)
[docs] def refresh(self): """ Refetch the market data from PredictIt and reload the question. """ self._data =
[docs] def sample_community(self) -> bool: """ Sample from the PredictIt community distribution (Bernoulli). :return: true/false """ return flip(self.get_community_prediction())
[docs]class PredictItMarket: """ A PredictIt market. :param predictit: PredictIt API instance :param data: Market JSON retrieved from PredictIt API :ivar PredictIt predictit: PredictIT API instance :ivar str api_url: url of the PredictIt API for the given question :ivar int id: id of the market :ivar str name: name of the market :ivar str shortName: shortened name of the market :ivar str image: url of the image resource of the market :ivar str url: url of the market in PredictIt :ivar str status: status of the market. Closed markets aren't included in the API, so always "Open" :ivar datetime.datetime timeStamp: last time the market was updated. The API updates every minute, but timestamp can be earlier if it hasn't been traded in """ def __init__(self, predictit: "PredictIt", data: Dict): self.predictit = predictit self._data = data self.api_url = f"{self.predictit.api_url}/markets/{}/" def _get(self, url: str) -> requests.Response: """ Send a get request to the PredictIt API. :param url: :return: response """ r = self.predictit.s.get(url) if r.status_code == 429: raise requests.RequestException("Hit API rate limit") return r def __repr__(self): return f'<PredictItMarket title="{}">' def __getattr__(self, name: str): """ If an attribute isn't directly on the class, check whether it's in the raw contract data. If it's a time, format it appropriately. :param name: :return: attribute value """ if name not in self._data: raise AttributeError( f"Attribute {name} is neither directly on this class nor in the raw question data" ) if name != "timeStamp": return self._data[name] date_end = self._data["timeStamp"] if date_end == "N/A": return None try: return parse(date_end) except ValueError: print(f"The column {name} could not be converted into a datetime") return date_end @property def questions(self) -> Generator[PredictItQuestion, None, None]: """ Generate all of the questions in the market. :return: generator of questions in market """ for data in self._data["contracts"]: yield PredictItQuestion(self, data)
[docs] def refresh(self): """ Refetch the market data from PredictIt, used when the question data might have changed. """ r = self._get(self.api_url) self._data = r.json()
[docs] def get_question(self, id: int) -> PredictItQuestion: """ Return the specified question given by the id number. :param id: question id :return: question """ for question in self.questions: if == id: return question raise ValueError("Unable to find a question with that id.")
[docs]class PredictIt: """ The main class for interacting with PredictIt. """ def __init__(self): self.api_url = "" self.s = requests.Session() self._data = self._get(f"{self.api_url}/all/").json() def _get(self, url: str) -> requests.Response: """ Send a get request to the PredictIt API. :param url: :return: response """ r = self.s.get(url) if r.status_code == 429: raise requests.RequestException("Hit API rate limit") return r
[docs] def refresh_markets(self): """ Refetch all of the markets from the PredictIt API. """ self._data = self._get(f"{self.api_url}/all/").json()
@property def markets(self) -> Generator[PredictItMarket, None, None]: """ Generate all of the markets currently in PredictIt. :return: iterator of PredictIt markets """ for data in self._data["markets"]: yield PredictItMarket(self, data)
[docs] def get_market(self, id: int) -> PredictItMarket: """ Return the PredictIt market with the given id. A market's id can be found in the url of the market. :param id: market id :return: market """ for data in self._data["markets"]: if data["id"] == id: return PredictItMarket(self, data) raise ValueError("Unable to find a market with that ID.")